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Fort Vancouver

Welcome Fort Vancouver Trappers,
Class of 1961!

News from 1961

John F. Kennedy becomes the 35th President

Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as Vice President

The Berlin Wall goes up between East and West Germany

U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba

Peace Corps is founded

Freedom Riders are attacked in Birmingham, Alabama

Jimmy Hoffa becomes president of the Teamsters Union

Soviets put the first man into orbit when Major Yuri A. Gagarin orbits the Earth on April 12

U.S. launches Commander Alan B. Shepard, Jr. into space sending him 116.5 miles up on a 302-mile trip

U.S. gets a second astronaut, Virgil Grissom, into space sending him 118 miles up on a 303-mile flight over the Atlantic Ocean

Soviets send Gherman Stepanovich Titov into space on Vostok II achieving 17.5 orbits in 25 hours during a 434,960 mile trip

Soviets test a 50-megaton hydrogen bomb creating the biggest explosion in history

The U.S. now has 2,000 military advisors in Viet Nam

Baseball legend Ty Cobb dies

Roger Maris hits 61 home runs to take the home run record

NY Yankees defeat the Cincinnati Reds to take the World Series

A.J. Foyt sets a new land speed record (139.130 mph) at the Indianapolis 500